The estimated upfront costs, potential energy bill reductions, and impacts on carbon emissions, provided by Cogo’s Home Energy Efficiency Tool, are based on a typical Australian property with the attributes that you have selected (e.g. occupancy, type of property, heating systems, etc.) and aren’t specific to your individual home. Actual outcomes may differ to the estimates from this tool and you may not realise the actual savings from making the suggested upgrades stated in this tool.

In calculating these estimates, Cogo draws on the best available Australian data, including Government home energy use studies, publicly available energy prices, and industry leading research on home energy generation and demand. The estimates are updated as new data becomes available and Cogo is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of these estimates.

Energy costs are, in almost all cases, based on the average price of energy offers of the top 20 suppliers in the state.

The same average energy price is assumed for all upgrades. For the solar and solar+battery upgrade, the average feed-in-tariff price is also included.

The number of people in your household impacts on two key variables:

  1. Estimated floor area of your home, which in turn determines the room heating and cooling energy demand; and
  2. Estimated amount of energy used for hot water heating and cooking (i.e. the more people in the house, the more showers and cooking needed.)

Typical costs are based on two key factors:

  1. Actual installation costs of heat pumps in your state over the last 12 months; and
  2. Estimated floor area of your home, including assumption of conditioned and unconditioned areas from CSIRO data (the larger a home, the bigger, and more expensive, the heat pump required.)

Given energy bill reductions and installation cost estimates are generated from average data, you need to consider whether the information provided by this tool is suitable for your situation and your circumstances.

Cogo does not guarantee, represent, or warrant the quality, accuracy, or completeness of the information provided.

Any information provided by users will be used in accordance with Cogo's privacy policy.